Brencis Pēteris Eglītis continues his education at ECG Academy – automobile logistic management.

Our colleague Brencis Pēteris Eglītis continues his education at ECG Academy – automobile logistic management.
The second out of five ECG Academy 2023/2024 modules has been held in Bremen, Germany. In this module, the focus was on continuing to expand the knowledge of innovation topics in the FVL (Finished Vehicle Logistics) sector.

Three out of five days consisted of lectures about innovation and project management and the specifics, that come with the FVL.

Recently, one of the main topics in logistics is the soon-to-be mandatory reporting of CO2 emissions in the EU, to control and better understand the footprint on our planet made by the supply chain of the automotive industry as well as the logistics sector altogether. With the recently published ECG guidelines on CO2 reporting, the automotive logistics field has taken a big leap to become more efficient and sustainable in the long term.

Two days of the course were dedicated to visits to compounds in Bremerhaven and Cuxhaven ports as well as the Mercedes-Benz factory in Bremen. During this time, the participants were introduced to the inner workings of some of the biggest logistics hubs in the whole world, and what is being done to further improve the efficiency of not only passenger car delivery but also the specifics for farming and mining equipment, and public transport (busses, trains, trams) distribution worldwide.

“We are leaving Bremen with a clear vision of what we, as a part transport industry, have to do to further improve our efforts to help make the world a greener, better place while keeping up the standards that are expected from us by the clients.”

The next module of ECG Academy will be set in Barcelona, Spain, in February.

Read more about academy: