The Summit of the Association of European Vehicle Logistics was organised in Riga

14 September 2023 was a very important day for us and another milestone in the history of Kurbads. It was a special day as this year, for the first time, we were invited to organise the ECG (Association of European Vehicle Logistics) Eastern Europe Regional Summit, one of the most influential industry events across Europe.

The ECG summits are very important events for the vehicle logistics industry, bringing together industry leaders from all over Europe to share their experiences. The aim of these summits is to bring together industry professionals to exchange views and learn about the latest developments in the vehicle logistics sector in the European Union (EU).

Until now, ECG meetings have been organised in one of the large and influential EU Member States. But this year was a unique opportunity here in Latvia to learn from the association’s representatives and the chairman of the Board about the current market trends in the industry, to get acquainted with the ECG’s future strategic development plans and to get an insight into the overall picture of the European vehicle logistics industry.

It was a great honour and an even greater responsibility for us to organise such an important event. We are very honoured that the baton of organising the summit has been passed to us this year, so that we can fly our flag and mark Latvia as an important logistics hub on the vast European highway map.

Many thanks to everyone who helped organise the meeting. Thank you to the participants and all visitors for your kind words. It was you who helped to make it such a special and important event in our company’s history.

See you on the road and at other summits!