Keskiviikkona, 9. maaliskuuta nimettiin Spīķeri-konserttisalissa BALTAn vuosipalkinnon “Turvallisin yrityksen autoparkki 2015” voittajat. Luokassa “Kuorma- tai erikoiskäyttöautoparkit” parhaaksi todettiin kuljetusyritys- ja logistiikkayritys KURBADS un KO.

Kilpailun tehtävänä on selvittää, missä Latvian yrityksistä suoritetaan autoparkin hallintointi menestyksekkäimmin. Vuoden 2013 voiton ja viime vuoden toisen sijan jälkeen KURBADS todettiin asiantuntijoiden mielestä parhaaksi omassa luokassaan sen jättäessä taakseen SIA “CEMEX”:in sekä SIA “HAVI Logistics”:in. 

“Olemme todella iloisia tästä palkinnosta, koska päivittäisessä työssä panostetaan ajoneuvojen ylläpitämiseen sekä kuljettajien koulutukseen”, kertoo KURBADSin huoltopäällikkö Ivars Čiblis tyytyväisenä. “On tärkeää kiinnittää huomiota pikkuasioihin sekä autoparkin ylläpitämisessä että kuljettajien pätevyyden täydentämisessä.” 

“KURBADS sai palkinnoksi mahdollisuuden käydä turvallisen ajon koulutuksessa (Test&Training) Itävallassa.

“Turvallisin yrityksen autoparkki 2015” järjestettiin kahdessa vaiheessa. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa arvioitiin yrityksen tarjoamaa tietoa sekä Tieliikenneturvallisuuslaitoksen käytössä olevaa tietoa yrityksen ajoneuvoista. Toisessa vaiheessa nimitettiin 15 parasta yritystä, kilpailun tuomaristo arvioi niitä haastattelujen ja lomakkeiden avulla paikan päällä ja otti huomioon sekä yrityksen riskinhallinnan, ajoneuvojen ylläpidon ja vastaavuuden tehtäviin sekä yrityksen kuljettajien pätevyyden ja koulutuksen sekä liikenneonnettomuustilastot.

Kilpailun tuomaristossa toimi BALTAn vanhin vakuutusriskiarvioija Edgars Goldmanis, DBSin hallituksen jäsen Edmunds Ozolnieks, autoammattilainen Normunds Avotiņš, SEB-leasingin edustajat Ģirts Belēvičs ja Jānis Ģirnis sekä liikennepsykologiasertifikaatin omistaja Daina Voita.

Kilpailun järjestää vakuutusyhtiö “BALTA”, Latvian tasavallan Liikenneministeriö, SIA “Drošas Braukšanas Skola” sekä SIA “SEB līzings.” 

Sen tavoitteena on parantaa Latvian liikenneturvallisuuta. Kilpailuun sai osallistua jokainen latvialainen yritys, jolla on ainakin 10 ajoneuvoa.


Sigita Jakobsone opiskelee Kuljetus- ja logistiikkayritys KURBADSin kuljettajakoulussa; hänestä tulee Latvian ensimmäinen kuljetusauton naiskuljettaja. 

Sigita käy pitkillä matkoilla eri kohteissa Euroopassa miehensä Renārs Jakobsonsin kyydissä, joka on yksi taitavimpia ja kokeneimpia KURBADSin kuljettajia. 1000000 ajetusta kilometristä Renārs sai vuonna 2012 uuden Volvon kuljetusauton suurine kuljetusvaunuineen.

“Renārs ehdotti mukaan lähtemistä jo monta vuotta sitten. Alkuun en ottanut sitä vakavasti, mutta pidemmän mietiskelyn jälkeen tajusin, että voisin ryhtyä siihen,” kertoo Sigita Jakobsone, joka odotti lasten kasvavan ennen kuin otti haasteen vastaan. Pääkannustimena toimi olla yhdessä miehen kanssa työssäkin.  

Kuljetusauton kuljettajan ammattia pidetään historiallisesti miesten ammattina. Sigitan mielestä naisilla ei ole tässä ammatissa etuja, mutta haasteen voi ottaa joka tapauksessa vastaan sekä todistaa itselleen pystyvänsä siihen. “Korkokengillä kuorma-autoa ei pysty ajamaan, naiselliset jutut on jätettävä viikonloppuja varten,” Sigita nauraa. 

Sigita on yrityksen tietojen mukaan ainoa autonkuljetusauton naiskuljettaja Latviassa, ja Euroopassakin Sigita saa työkavereiltaan huomiota ja tukea. 

Mitä Sigita vastaa vuosisatoja vanhaan kysymykseen: Kumpi on parempi kuljettaja – mies vai nainen?

“En ole sitä mieltä, että miehet olisivat parempia. Miehet saattavat tehdä tiellä perusteettomia ja vaarallisia liikkeitä. Tunnen naisia, jotka osaavat ajaa hyvin sekä henkilö- että kuorma-autoja. Sukupuolella ei ole väliä, tärkein asia on ihmisen luonne. Naiset saattavat olla tasapuolisia, kilpailla tai jopa ajaa paremmin.”

8. maaliskuuta Sigita toivottaa naisille uskallusta tavoitella uusia unelmia sekä heittäytyä seikkailuihin!

First Kurbads Mercedes-Benz truck is being rebuilt in Austria


Vehicle transport and logistics company “Kurbads” has bought its first Mercedes-Benz “Actros” truck which is being rebuilt to a car carrier in “Kaessbohrer” factory in Austria. This is the first Mercedes – Benz “Actros” truck from a pack that will supplement “Kurbads” car carrier fleet.

The company's decision to add several and gradually switch to Mercedes-Benz “Actros” trucks is one of the steps to accomplish the company's development plan.

“We are very comfortable working with Mercedes-Benz chassis as our engineers were frequently in contact with our German colleagues during the development process of “Actros”,” close cooperation with Mercedes-Benz is emphasized by Victor Kuznetsow, sales manager of “Kaessbohrer”. “Thanks to the big attention to details Mercedes-Benz managed to create chassis that perfectly suits our demands.” “Kaessbohrer” engineers consulted their German partners about requirements needed for installing the car carrier equipment.

The “1843” model weighs 18 tonnes and the output of the engine is 430 HP. The truck has several substantial innovations that decrease running costs and improve safety in traffic.

“The biggest gain is the longer maintenance terms. So far we have carried out technical checks of the trucks after specific mileage, now the Mercedes-Benz computer will signal us when and what we need to do,” says Ivars Čiblis, “Kurbads” head mechanic. “From vehicle transporting viewpoint the advantage is that the truck has a larger space behind the cabin thus we have a chance to make different car loading combinations.”

Mercedes-Benz latest model was substantially tested before entering the market. 2600 hours in the wind tunnel for aerodynamic tests, more than 50 million kilometres on roads to improve the effectiveness of the engine, including 20 million kilometres in traffic.

The new standard Euro VI engines have up to 5% lower consumption than their predecessors with a Euro V engine. The optimised standard-fit Mercedes “PowerShift 3” automated transmission, the sophisticated aerodynamics and the innovative Predictive Powertrain Control assistance system contribute to the significant savings.

The new “Powershift 3” gearbox is an innovative achievement for trucks. It immediately and effectively delivers the power to the rear axle with precise and quick gear shifts. The improved shift strategy takes into account such factors as the combination weight, the angle of inclination of the road and the position of the accelerator when selecting the optimum gear.

“Actros” model is a perfect compromise of comfort, connection to road and handling. The driver has freedom of movement and the feeling of space in the cabin. Ergonomics is the key part – every switch can be reached by hand. Everything is done to create an environment where the driver can fully focus on the road and avoid traffic accidents.

The perfect McLaren “650S” visits Kurbads logistics center

McLaren “650S”, the latest supercar from McLaren is one of the most interesting additions to the clients list of vehicle transport company “Kurbads”. The car is challenging the top shelf Ferrari and Lamborghini models for the best supercar title.

McLaren is a small manufacturer located in Woking, England, about 30 miles from London. It’s well-known in elite racing circles such as “Formula One”, but has also produced some road cars to compete with other elite brands. Among many car enthusiasts in their mid-20s to mid-30s, McLaren’s original road car the “F1” still stands as a dream car for its dedication to raw speed and simplicity. The company has always embodied this philosophy.

The “12C” model, “650S” predecessor was a good car but not the best the McLaren can master. It was criticized for some aspects. And the factory listened. The “650S” contains 25 percent new components – the engine is more powerful and also the engine tune is much more aggressive. The “650S’s” front end appears meaner than the 12C’s, with an arched front bumper and serpentine grille that looks more similar to the iconic McLaren “P1”. Clients wanted a more dramatic car and a more dramatic car is what they got. 

The 3,8L V8 twin-turbo has become stronger after modifications generating 641 HP. The added power comes in courtesy of new pistons and heads, revised cam timing, new exhaust valves, and a new exhaust system. Choose a middle gear, settle into middle revs, and prepare for the rocket launch! Floor the throttle and the McLaren’s newfound surge is thunderous.

But impressive as it is, the engine isn’t the best bit of McLaren “650S”. It's the chassis. You can feel every law of the physics at work in the “650S” and it makes the car easy to maneuver. Only few cars communicate each individual wheel’s amount of grip with such clarity. The “650S” signs you with its behavior when the driver is approaching his limits. The stability control and brake-steer setups have a steely resolution to clamp the car rigidly to the path you’ve steered. The recalibrated dynamic rear wing that contributes to a 24-percent increase in downforce at high speeds.

This is a supercar for people who don't want a Ferrari. That is how car journalists describe the “650S”. Italians build look-at-how-awesome-my-car-is cars, replete with matching interiors. McLaren is a company that builds race cars. 

The base price for McLaren “650S” is 256000 USD.

Probably the greatest car in the world transported by Kurbads car carrier

Vehicle transporting company's “Kurbads” logistics center was visited by a rare and exclusive car – the 1965 Rolls-Royce “Silver Cloud III” that in its prime was called the best car in the world. Probably the exquisite car still holds the title.

At almost 5,5 m long and the weight of a lorry, the real pleasure piloting these old cruisers comes when you relax and take it easy at the wheel, watching the frantic world whizz by. From the motoring press of the day “the loudest noise you will hear travelling at 60mph is the ticking of the clock on the dash board”. “Silver Cloud III” is reputed as the car where Rolls-Royce got everything right.

The most hotheaded Rolls-Royce supporters in the sixties did not approve the new double head lamps as it was a big step away from the manufacturer's traditions. One magazine went so far as to refer to the quad lights as equivalent to installing a jukebox inside of Winchester Cathedral. You get to see nearly identical headlamps on the modern Bentley luxury class cars nowadays.

“Silver Cloud III” is marked as the last true Rolls-Royce model as it was still mounted on a separate chassis, a common practice in the car manufacturing until 1960s. The drum brakes are also exotic in modern times cars. 

6,2L V8 engine is capable to accelerate the heavy beauty to 100 km/h in 11 seconds. But precise gear shifting is ensured by a four speed automatic gearbox.

The car is getting more popular among the collectors that say the vehicle's biggest problem is rust and expensive maintenance but no other car in the world can match the driving pleasure provided by Rolls-Royce “Silver Cloud III”.

What does it cost to become a proud owner of “Silver Cloud III”? Starting from 40 000 EUR, depending from car's visual and technical condition.

“The Safest Car Park” jury visits Kurbads

“The Safest Car Park” competition's jury visited the vehicle transport company “Kurbads” to evaluate establishment's activities to improve safety on the public roads.

This is the third time when “Kurbads” has entered the competition. In 2014 “Kurbads” car park was awarded as the safest in Latvia but in 2015 we took the 2nd place.

“We have a hope for a great result because we have done a lot of work to improve the quality of our truck drivers,” says Laura Tone, head of the HR department. “We organize groups of dozen drivers that learn the latest information about code 95 or driver's rest during the trips. Participants of the group share their experience how to handle different situations in the traffic.”

“Kurbads” drivers’ test has been updated this year. The test checks driver's knowledge both in theory and in practice. Even experienced workers have to take this test. Also the drivers’ manual has been significantly reworked to ensure that necessary quality requirements are met. Latest technologies are implemented to improve the communication between logistics center and truck drivers.

“Also several our drivers are working as mentors. They bring inexperienced drivers on their routine trips with them to share practical knowledge. That is an invaluable contribution to the young drivers' education,” Laura Tone emphasizes the significance of the practical lessons.

“We accurately check our vehicles on a daily basis. We also use modern technologies that help to escape traffic accidents,” says Ivars Čiblis, the head mechanic of “Kurbads”. “We plan to carry out safe driving training in cooperation with “Drošas braukšanas skola” (Safe Driving School) to improve the quality of driving and fuel economy”.

Competition “The Safest Car Park” will end at the second half of February. Winners will be awarded with valuable prizes from “Balta”, “DBS” and other partners of the competition. Winners will get a chance to improve safe driving skills in Test and Training Track in Germany.

Kurbads transports military utility vehicles

Vehicle transport and logistics company “Kurbads” has an extensive experience in transporting various vehicles. Some time ago the equipment of Latvian armed forces was transported but this time “Kurbads” had the opportunity to transport Pinzgauer, the high-mobility all-terrain military utility vehicle that was very popular in many countries across the globe.

The Pinzgauer military vehicle was originally developed in the 1971 and manufactured by “Steyr-Daimler-Puch” establishment in Austria. The vehicle is named after the Pinzgauer, an Austrian breed of horse. At the beginning of the new millennium the production was cancelled because during the Afghanistan war, the military forces discovered that the Pinzgauer was too vulnerable to mines.

Pinzgauer is renowned worldwide as one of the best all-terrain military vehicles ever made thanks to its capability to perform flawlessly in different terrains and conditions – 45° approach and departure angles, 700 millimeters fording depth, full engine power is available at 4 km/h. The smaller 4×4 edition could transport eight passengers, the bigger 6×6 could transport 12 passengers.

Kurbads transports “Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique” participants’ cars from Latvia

The transport company’s “Kurbads” car carriers are transporting two  retro rally cars from Latvia to the prestigious “Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique” in France.


Agris Stanēvičs, enthusiast of the historic cars and former Latvian rally ace, together with Jānis Kirkovalds will drive the elegant 1974 Lada “1500 S” widely known as VAZ “2106”. The crew has participated in the Monte Carlo retro rally for several times, finishing in eighth position last year.


“We want to improve the last year’s result and we are hoping to finish on the podium,” Agris Staņēvičs reveals team’s aims in the rally. He describes the rally as “breathtaking driving experience through snowy serpentines. The traditional night stages are hard but every kilometer gives you immense satisfaction”.


The other Latvian team will participate with a car that is unusual and exclusive both in Latvia and also worldwide – the 1956 Jaguar “XK 140”. The car’s design draws attention with it's flowing lines that are very characteristic for the cars from the 1950s. Under the hood there is a 3,4l straight six engine that provides 190 HP. More than enough to test the driver’s skills on the narrow mountain roads.


The 19th “Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique” will take place from January 27th to February 3rd.


Only cars manufactured from 1955 to 1980 are eligible to participate. Annually more than 250 teams race with some spectacular machinery like Porsche 911, Porsche 356, Alpine Renault A110, BMW 2000, Lancia Fulvia 1600 and many other iconic vehicles.


Often local enthusiasts show great interest in the VAZ and Volga cars entered by Latvian teams.


“Kurbads” wishes endurance to the vehicles and the great results for the drivers!

We carry rally raid vehicles to success

The Latvian autosport team's “RE autoclub” three rally raid cars have started their journey to the examination of the Sahara desert. The transport company's “Kurbads” car carriers are transporting them to Monaco where the rally raid “Africa Eco Race 2016” will start shortly after Christmas.

The transport and logistics establishment “Kurbads” has an extensive experience in transporting rally raid cars. Recently electric “OSCar” cars made in Latvia and foreign team sports cars were transported to and from rally raid competitions.

The rally raid team “RE autoclub” is the 2015 champion of Russia. Three Russian crews will carry the team's banner in “Africa Eco Race”. Two of the vehicles will be Toyota “Land Cruiser” but duo Aleksandr Terentyev and Alexey Berkut will accept the challenge with Ford “Raptor 150 SVT”. This crew has huge experience in desert races. They finished fifth last year in the T2 class.

The endurance rally from Monaco to Dakar will go through the historic rally raid route through France, Morocco, Mauritania, Western Sahara and Senegal. The competition will take place from 27th December to 10th January. The racers will have to overcome more than 6000 km in 12 days.

Strength and toughness will be the key factors. Good luck!


Tarjoamme suljetun vaunun palveluita eksklusiiveja autoja varten, jos asiakas haluaa suojata sen ei-toivotulta huomiolta. Se on samalla hyvä tapa välttää huonoa säätä, jos ajoneuvo on ennestään valmisteltu esittelyä tai näyttelyä varten.

Erittäin helpporakenteinen aerodynaaminen traileri kuljettaa henkiläautoja, joiden paino ei ylitä 2200:aa kiloa. Perävaunu on varustettu sähköisellä vinssillä ja lastausrampilla, mikä mahdollistaa matalien autojen lastaamisen ja purkamisen. Saatavilla on turvallinen kiinnitys, jonka ansiosta auto pysyy vakaana kuljetuksen aikana. Auton ollessa perävaunussa siihen pääsee tarvittaessa käsiksi joka puolelta.

Pitkäaikainen työ latvialaisten ja ulkomaalaisten asiakkaiden kanssa on luonut KURBADSille luotettavan kumppanin maineen tarjoamalla asiakkaan tarpeisiin vastaavia ratkaisuja. Tärkein vertailukohtamme on asiakkaamme. Jos asiakkaat ovat tyytyväisiä, niin tiedämme tekevämme töitä oikeaan suuntaan. Olemme todella iloisia nähdessämme asiakkaidemme joukossa seuraavat maahantuojat ja jälleenmyyjät: